Past IEM Features tagged: aug07

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An August to Forget

04 Sep 2007 04:50 AM
Outside of a few isolated areas, the entire state received well above normal amounts of rainfall for August. The featured chart details the daily precipiation reports from the Mason City Airport. 11.55 inches of rain fell for the month at Mason City, which is 7 inches greater than normal! Thankfully, September has started off dry with no indication that a repeat of August is in the works. Slight chances of rain are in the forecast for the end of this week, but nothing excessive is forecasted.

Good: 16
Bad: 3

Tags:   aug07  

Too much rain in one month

27 Aug 2007 06:45 AM
Of course, the main story for August is the extreme amounts of rainfall that has fallen over the upper midwest. Some isolated parts of Iowa have received over 15 inches! Unfortunately, more rain is in the forecast for the first few days this week until we clear things out for the weekend.

Good: 15
Bad: 3

Tags:   aug07