IEM Daily Feature
Friday, 28 July 2023

Miserable 3 Day Stretch

Posted: 28 Jul 2023 05:30 AM

Thursday was the second day of a forecast three day period of very brutal heat and humidity over Iowa. Friday looks to be the worst of the three days before slightly cooler weather arrives for the weekend. This three day stretch is easily the hottest of the year for average daily high heat index over three days. The featured chart presents some metrics for such stretches with the left panels showing their day of the year occurrence for Burlington. The right top panel shows the yearly maximum value and the bottom right panel shows the cumulative distribution of the yearly values. July and August are clearly the favored time for such a stretch, but they can also occur during June and September as well. Hopefully we don't see another three days like this again this year!

Good = 14
Bad = 0
Abstain = 1