IEM Daily Feature
Thursday, 16 July 2020
Thursday, 16 July 2020
Warmth Dominating this Summer
Posted: 16 Jul 2020 05:36 AM
The featured chart presents the percentage of NWS (CLI)mate reporting sites over the continental
US reporting an above or below average daily high temperature since the first of June. The warmer
than average conditions have dominated this summer with only a brief few days in mid June having
more than 50% of sites below average. The major caveat to this plot is that stations are biased to the
eastern half of the CONUS, so you can't simply take the shown number as a spatial coverage. The
numbers since the first of July are even more lopsided with warmer than average sites outpacing
cooler sites by 2 to 1.
Good = 12
Bad = 1
Good = 12
Bad = 1